Sunday, May 24, 2015

Boxer Week on The Daily Puppy

In the post Daily Puppy Trend : The Labradoodle, I noticed the Labradoodle breed being a feature throughout this month of May.  However, there is a Daily Puppy trend for this week alone - the Boxer.

On Wednesday, Tyson the Boxer was The Daily Puppy feature.  Today, Chloe the Boxer is The Daily Puppy feature.

On review of past posts, I have yet to write about the history of the Boxer.

In 2014, the American Kennel Club ranked the Boxer #8 as the most popular breed in the United States.

The origin of the Boxer dates to 19th Century Germany with trace to the Mastiff and the Bulldog.  In early history, the Boxer was used in dog fighting and bull baiting.  The Boxer was also used as a working dog - round up livestock, catch and pin boar and bison for hunters.  At the present time, Boxers are often used in police work, military work, and search and rescue.  This breed's name is seemingly derived from the way the dog uses its front legs against opponents, in similar appearance to a human boxer.

The Boxer is playful, curious, athletic, and energetic.  The Boxer is loyal and affectionate - an excellent family dog and great with children.  This breed is intelligent and quick to learn.  The Boxer is naturally and highly protective of its family and home - welcoming known visitors and restraining strangers.

Training and leadership must be firm and consistent.  According to Dog Breed Info, an owner should teach this dog not to jump up on people especially.

- Males weigh on average 60 to 70 pounds & Females weigh on average 53 to 65 pounds
- Prone to cancer, mast cell tumors - signs can be shown as of age 8 on
- Prone to arthritis, hip dysplasia, back and knee problems
- Possible health concerns:  Heart problems, skin allergies, epilepsy
- Sensitive to warm and cold climates - overheat easily and chill quickly
- Daily mental and physical exercise and play to satisfy active nature
- 11 to 14 years is the average life expectancy

Source:  Dog Breed Info

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