Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flitwick's magical ways

Professor Flitwick instilled interest in his magical instruction.

Flitwick the Beagle instilled magical ways in a lucky someone.  Flitwick the Beagle was featured in my recent Examiner article, Harry Potter comes to PAWS Chicago.  I am thrilled to say that he has since been adopted.

Puppy Love wishes all the best for Flitwick and his magical forever home.

Dumbledore's magical charm

Professor Dumbledore cast magical excitement, intellect, and intrigue amongst his students at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore the German Shepherd cast magical charm on a lucky someone.  Dumbledore the German Shepherd was featured in my recent Examiner article, Harry Potter comes to PAWS Chicago.  I am thrilled to say that he has since been adopted.

Puppy Love wishes all the best for Dumbledore and his enchanted forever home.

Chicago Dog Breeds Examiner : December 2010 Archives

A look back at my December 2010 articles as Chicago Dog Breeds Examiner. . .

PAWS Chicago Holiday Event 

It's a Cocker Spaniel Christmas 

Favorite Breed 2010 

101 Wishes for a Happy New Year 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Break time

As the sole author of Puppy Love, I have approached this blog with energy far greater than a Dalmatian and capability longer than a Bloodhound.  I discussed breed histories.  I implemented digital media in the form of YouTube videos (admittedly not all uploads were successful, hence the occasional link).  I posted images from PAWS Chicago and The Anti-Cruelty Society.  I shared links to my Examiner articles.  I instilled passion for every dog I wrote about.  I, quite simply, felt the power of Puppy Love.

As the sole author of Puppy Love, I am slowly running down on energy.  Where all dogs need a break, so do I.  I will check in with Puppy Love on a daily basis.  However, the daily entries I once posted are no longer.  Look for me, rather, on a weekly basis.

Pawfive.  Pawfive to all those who support Puppy Love.  Pawfive to all those who share a one-time interest or daily interest in Puppy Love.  Pawfive to all who are passionate about pups of all breeds and ages.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Love Always, Chessie : The Short Story Collection

Shortly after creating Puppy Love and being accepted into Examiner as Chicago Dog Breeds Examiner in December 2010, I found inspiration to write a short story collection about dogs.

My collection is titled Love Always, Chessie - the same title as my domain for Puppy Love and a name I will never escape.

"Love Always, Chessie" reflects ten dog breeds.  Each breed has a chapter on historical background and a short story chapter reflecting individual personality.  The stories are fiction in nature and truly highlight the best in each dog.

My collection is written for parents with young children, where families can learn and enjoy at the same time.

I am now in the agenting process, so there is not much I can give away here in terms of description.  I will say that I am incredibly nervous.  My first query came back to me with the agent wanting to know more.  I think she is interested, but "I think" is not "I know" and her interest is not a guaranteed yes for representation.  My passion for writing and for dogs of all breeds is clear in this collection.  I hope with all of me that this passion will show in the eyes of agents.

I am just nervous.  My heart would stop if I saw my name in print. . .strolling through Barnes & Noble, glancing at titles, to catch my name on a book cover.  I am published online - Examiner, Puppy Love, my music blog and general interests blog, and Helium.  Yet being a freelance writer online is relatively easy - find a source, create an account, and write.  Of course, difficulty lies in generating an income worth noticing.  To be a published author with a name that is out there is far from easy.  To be unpublished and fighting to get a foot in the publishing door is honestly rather traumatic.  A hopeful author has to be confident and convincing.  A hopeful author has to be unique and worthwhile.  A hopeful author has to live in reality and imagine at the same time.

"Love Always, Chessie" is unique and I am confident in my words.  I am unpublished, however.  To be convincing is to ask. . .To be convincing is to ask for the Moon without hesitation.  I believe that my work is worthwhile, but the same can be said of the dozens if not hundreds of other queries in an agent's inbox.  This is my reality.

I do like to imagine, though.  My collection gets a yes.  I am a surprise in publishing.  I reach bestseller status.  I like to dream from time to time.

I am just nervous. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chicago's top breed

Random thoughts. . .

I post all Puppy Love entries in Georgia font.

I post all entries on my music blog, Set List, in Georgia font.

Uga is an English Bulldog proudly representing, as mascot, the University of Georgia.

I learned about Uga in the film, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, set in Savannah, Georgia.

My very recently published article on Examiner spotlights the Bulldog.  The Bulldog has long-time ties to Chicago.  Read more in Chicago's top breed.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hedwig takes flight

Harry Potter fans will understand the title of this post - Hedwig the owl is meant to take flight.  For all others, I will explain the title of this post.

Hedwig is a precious, jet black, 8-month-old Beagle once available for adoption at PAWS Chicago.  She was once available for adoption.

I am thrilled to say that Hedwig has since been adopted after my post and Examiner article, Harry Potter comes to PAWS Chicago.  Hedwig has taken flight to her forever home.

Puppy Love wishes all the best to Hedwig and her forever family : )

Friday, February 11, 2011

Magic in the air

There is fantastic magic in the air. . .on Puppy Love and on Examiner.

Escape into my recently published article on Examiner - Harry Potter comes to PAWS Chicago.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Harry Potter at PAWS Chicago

As I escape into Year 4 of the Harry Potter series, I find fantastic magic at PAWS Chicago.  Harry Potter has used his wizardry to charm select dogs at PAWS.

Meet Dumbledore -

and Hedwig -

and Flitwick -

Professor Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, and Hedwig the owl are most fantastic in the Harry Potter series.  However!  Dumbledore the German Shepherd, Hedwig the Beagle, and Flitwick the Beagle are supremely magical and charm anyone with one glance into their precious eyes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Too cute!

The puppies on The Daily Puppy are simply adorable.  However, the image of a sleeping Labrador puppy will melt anyone.  Check out The Doggy Blogger.

Cooper the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Today's daily puppy is Cooper the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  Cooper is just adorable.  His face.  His little body.  In my opinion, Cooper is akin to the Dachshund with more fur.

Dog Breed Info defines two types of Corgi dogs - Pembroke Welsh and Cardigan Welsh.  The primary difference between the two is that the Pembroke Welsh Corgi does not have a tail and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a long tail.  The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is longer in body than the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  Further differences can be found in the history of each Corgi - visit Dog Breed Info.  Primary differences aside, in this post, I will be writing about the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

The temperament of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is outstanding.  This dog is intelligent, energetic, and loyal, always eager to please its owner.  This breed is protective and tends to bark often.  In this way, the Corgi suits well in being a guard dog.  Obsessive barking, however, should be noted as poor behavior and the owner should utilize leadership and training skills to teach their dog correct behavior.  The Corgi is hesitant of strangers, so Dog Breed Info recommends socializing early.  The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is good with children.  Due to the small stature of this breed, owners of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi should train and lead early to avoid small dog syndrome (poor behaviors induced when the dog senses domination over its human pack - behaviors not typical to the dog).

The health of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is okay.  Males weigh 25 to 30 pounds.  Females weigh 24 to 28 pounds.  Life expectancy is decent at 12 to 15 years.  The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is prone to glaucoma and back disorders.  Do not overfeed a Corgi as obesity will lead to further health issues.  For further information on the health of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, visit Dog Breed Info.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi will fit well in apartment settings if provided sufficient exercise.  Daily walks are a must and all other active energy can be burned off indoors.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Remembering Swanny

From time to time, I like to check in with The Anti-Cruelty Society online.  From time to time, I do the same with PAWS Chicago.  I see familiar faces and I meet new ones.  I also miss a few.

Today I remember my sweetheart Beagle, Swanny.  Swanny is a 2-year-old female Beagle brought into PAWS Chicago on May 5, 2010.  She was my spotlight on Examiner in the article Favorite Breed 2010.  Swanny was a special dog, so labeled by PAWS Chicago.  Swanny was more so a special dog in my heart.  She had a story to tell that no one heard because of her momentary lapse in proper behavior.  I heard her story quite clearly.  I loved Swanny a great deal and did hope dearly to adopt her.  My resources, sadly, are still not together.

Swanny has found someone who will listen to her and give her a home fit for pure perfection.  Swanny was adopted.

The Beagle breed is not easy to adopt in urban settings mainly because of their infamous howling bark.  The American Kennel Club offers an incredible list of rescue groups around the United States.  If you are aware of a Beagle in need of help, consider the contact information listed on the American Kennel Club.  Scroll down to Beagle.

Personal note - If you enjoy Puppy Love, please consider making a donation in any amount to support this blog's continued success.  Donations are anonymous and secure through PayPal (an account with PayPal is not needed).  Donations may be made through "Forever Home Donations" at the bottom of the screen.  Thank you so much for your support.

A Chicago Dog Breeds Examiner article spotlight on Google

When I publish on Examiner, my articles are linked immediately to Google.  All rank well...if the search is specific to finding topics on Examiner. 

After my most recent publication - Featured adoptions at The Anti-Cruelty Society - I ran a very general search not specific to Examiner.  My phrase was "adoptions at The Anti-Cruelty Society". . .

"Featured adoptions at The Anti-Cruelty Society" ranks #6 on the first page of Google search results!

I am most excited.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A place to bark

I recently came across a beautifully inspirational blog about dogs.

This blog - - is run by Bernie Berlin, who has taken the notion of no kill with a passion.  She runs a full-time rescue service and has saved more than 2,000 dogs and cats.

I am speechless in knowing this incredible feat.  One team led by one person to accomplish an extraordinary goal.

I encourage all readers of Puppy Love to consider Bernie's blog.  Read her posts, watch her videos, view her photos.  I guarantee you, too, will be inspired.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Featured adoptions at The Anti-Cruelty Society

Check out my latest article on Examiner - Featured adoptions at The Anti-Cruelty Society.  This article spotlights the Catahoula Leopard Dog and the German Shepherd (both featured in previous articles of mine). 

In this blog entry, I feature two other adoptions listed on Puppy Love - 

One of the first breeds I wrote about on this website was the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.  I had never heard of such a dog when researching.  To my surprise, however, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever was close to home.  In my entry - Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever in Chicago? - I found Max at The Anti-Cruelty Society.  Max was adorable and perfect. . .too adorable and perfect.  I am thrilled to say that Max has recently found his forever home.  He is a featured adoption on Puppy Love.

And then there is the soft spot entry - Rocko's Eyes.  Rocko is an angel Pit Bull mix that had to be tracked into the Bully Buddy program because of his breed's infamous nature.  Yet the YouTube video posted by The Anti-Cruelty Society (also posted here) shows a gentle, loving, sweetheart flawless to the core.  Someone saw this. . .I am thrilled to say that Rocko has recently found his forever family.  He is a featured adoption on Puppy Love.

If you followed Max and Rocko on Puppy Love or are intrigued by my recent Examiner article, find a pup that will be your own featured adoption at The Anti-Cruelty Society.