Australian Cattle Dog
Blue Heeler
"Protective, Cautious, Obedient, Loyal, Energetic, Brave" - Wikipedia
Her name was Chessie. Her litter siblings were outgoing and eager to be adopted. She looked lonesome with a face that said, "No one will adopt me." She did not expect a life to be filled with dedicated love soon to come.
My grandmother was intrigued by the checker board pattern on Chessie's face and adopted her in a heartbeat. Chessie was the name given to her by her forever family.
I met Chessie when I was an infant. Although I have no recollection, the stories shared by my grandmother and mother make me feel as though I have known her all my life.
She proved her breed's natural temperament growing up. She proved her breed's natural temperament even more when my mother was pregnant with me and after I was born.
Chessie held strong motherly instinct. When my mother was pregnant with me, Chessie felt a sense of loyalty in such a profound way that cannot be placed into words.
When I was born, Chessie became a second mother. When I was taken for walks in my stroller, Chessie pressed against the stroller hard. When strangers approached, she was so protective of me that she went into attack mode. As one story goes, an off-duty police officer passed us, but was in his full uniform. He was a "good stranger," but Chessie felt otherwise. She bared her teeth, growled, and barked to protect me and my grandmother. When he backed off, he commented on how powerful she was to be so cautious, brave, and truly loyal toward her family. As another story goes, my grandmother was stopped in her car with Chessie in the passenger seat I believe. A man thought to be drunk approached the car. The windows happened to be rolled down a bit. She went into protective attack mode and actually injured him slightly. Even he was impressed by how powerful she was. He really backed off.
Chessie passed away from cancer before my milestone months and years.
Her precious doggie imprint on my family's life is forever lasting. Memories through stories are my way of saying "I love you" through
Chessie will always be my favorite breed.